Sunday, May 20, 2007

Scud Mountain Boys

I was going through my music collection in preparation to sell on ebay, Daddy needs a new 6 weight. I stopped and perused the liner notes from Scud Mtn's "Massachussetts". I remembered them being fishermen. It has a thank you section and then:

"Scud Mt. Boys use Maxima tippets and Metz hackle exclusively"

I think that kicks ass.


mijo said...

how many cds you gotta sell to get a new six weight?
whachoo getting?

Atticus Leghorn Grizzard said...

Well, I'm going to sell around 200 of them. Hopefully that will pay for a bill or two plus a new rod.

Any suggestions? I was thinking about a Scott G2. I hear they lay it down.

Ulyssess Chamberlain Rockefeller said...


mijo said...

my recommendation prolly wouldn't compare to a scott G2 - but I built a st croix legend ultra 6wt that I'm pretty pleased with. I should bring it out and fish it one of these daze...