Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Things we like - Pt 5

Waverly, AL (and other badass small towns). Pop 225. Yellowhammer restaurant. Standard Deluxe print shop and High Corner Co-Op. Guitar picking on the front porch. Badass little creeks and ponds that go unnoticed. 280 Boogie. Places that have character. No "planned" anything, except maybe an afternoon game of horseshoes and beer drinking. Life slows down, conversations flow, dogs play, and life is good in these little towns. These places are few and far between nowadays, but I predict a comeback someday. Oh, and the fishing in the surrounding farm ponds......puhleeze. Sign me up.


WT said...

Sounds nice. How far is it from Fenix City?

Ulyssess Chamberlain Rockefeller said...

Prolly far enough away not to sport the following:

lingerie "modeling"
pawn shops
the Sew shop
Surplus Stores

WT said...

I hope so.

Atticus Leghorn Grizzard said...

It's a solid hour from Fee-nix Cittay.