Hi Sweet Things
I know your kinda pissed at me for packing you up and moving you out here to the Sonoran desert. I know you miss your old haunts in Florida, chasing bluegill and bass, reds and snook. I see those looks you give me now, knowing I haven't gotten you wet in months. That thing with the hiking boots every weekend, naw babies, I'm doin that for us. You see, I'm out looking for water; I know you think you're being neglected for the hiking gear, but really I'm doin that for you. You'll see, someday soon I'll pick you up in my hands, fit you together all tight and straight like and you'll see. You'll see, cause when I said that I love you, I meant that I loved you forever and I'm goin keep on lovin you
hey mang. we'll give yer gear a work out next week.
looking forward amigo.
You're not in Tampa anymore toto. gots to get used to driving to get to fish
you man, are like within six hours or so from tijuana
I'm sure there's fish in tijuana
They should spend some time with my rods. Ya know, commiserate wiff each other.
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